OD-Tools Motivation Assessment (MQ)

The OD-Tools Motivation Questionnaire (MQ) is designed to increase self-awareness and intrinsic motivation at work. It helps individuals clarifying their values and priorities,
and it also helps employers better retain and motivate their people at the same time.

Based on 15 work-related needs - called motivational factors - the questionnaire outlines
a comprehensive job motivation/satisfaction profile for each individual participant, and
enables companies to proactively retain their key talent. It facilitates organizational
development to increase the positive, sustainable motivation of your organization’s
human capital.

Features :
●  It builds on the classical Motivation Theories of Maslow, Heizberg and McClelland
●  The assessment is classified into Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Needs   and Satisfaction
●  It highlights motivational tension areas by contrasting needs versus satisfaction
●  Calculates the utilization of energy and ability
●  Explore the untapped performance potential
●  Highlights the self motivation skills, promotion needs and employee leaving risk
●  Laser-target, practical suggestions for participant and manager

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